As usual my hypothesis that I write stuff like this at times when I definitely should be doing something else( like meeting deadlines) has become true. I got so much to do but I gotta "write" too.
Before you go on, I am going to warn you that this post is going to be another
one of those "existensial discussions" out there.
Though as much as I am trying to put in a unique touch to it, I acknowledge the futility of that exercise.
If you have had enough of it, better go somewhere else to pass time.
When you look around the world, it's easy to see that every thing looks to be setup for humans to use (read exploit). It's because of the self centered nature of our (any) brains and also because how advanced humans are as a race.
As we live in the modern, artifical world, doesn't one stop to think how this setup has come to be. Yeah we had progress over thousands of years. But it's hard to deny that it always looked like humans would be the prime race of the planet since the early days of their intelligence.
Are we simply the result of evolution or is this an elaborate scheme by the entity called "God". Many of the statements I am making are very cliched but these have been bugging me for a long time and I simply cannot stop myself at ranting it out.
The sentience of humans is bothering me a great deal. It's hard to believe that we are just a chemical accident in the grand scheme of things.
Self awareness is not just a bunch of amino acids bumping together.
- Jubal in 'Stranger in a Strange Land'
It might just be a bunch of amino acids bumping together, but it feels awfully convenient to think that we're just a chemical phenomenon.
What's happening around is very unnatural when you come to think of it. We are manipulating the entire planet for our needs. We have great power put in our hands. But people (sorry for judging) go on about their lives as if going on about life in the conventional way is the most natural thing to do. They don't stop to realise the bizareness of the universe and it's relationship with humans.
We are constantly in the unknown regarding the meaning of life and the universe (no, it ain't 42). But everyone seems to be fine with it. If you take a step back and look at stuff like politics, religion, movies, literature, humour, grades (:p) when you see the abstractness of all these things - you will never be the same again. I feel we have hugely complicated our lives with just to evade from the unknownness and be "sane".
Being "sane" is just an equilibrium state and a way of coping with the ultimate question. We conveniently go on with our lives as if the uknowness doesn't matter much. Yeah, it might be pointless to think too much about it as we all know that we don't have the answer and I doubt if we will ever get one.
That's why I have a new found respect for people working in the science field - especially physics and biology. They are trying to "grok" the universe and us. Only with advances in these fields we can ever hope to reach the ultimate answer.
So as you go on with your jolly life, question yourself if you really are sane if you are not bothered with being in the unknown about probably the most important thing in our lives - the meaning/reason of it. The more I think about it, I find that going insane about this is the sanest thing to do. No, I am not there yet. Thanks for asking.
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